
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spend Your Summer with the Drinks of Ubqari

Ubqari Magazine - May 2015

               (Muhammad Sajid, Multan)                    

Those people have Choleric Temperament, bitter taste of mouth, vomiting due to hot and choleric disease in these conditions it is useful. Make choleric stable. Heavy diets like brinjal, meat etc all digested. Use time to time 2 spoons.

 Summer comes now which starts from end of April to July. May to August human health accepts insalubrities quickly by which get skin diseases. Nature also takes precautions seasons accordingly. Those vegetables and fruits present in summer also have low calories. To avoid bad effects of summer season, Ubqari brings unique drinks for the readers which are as follows:

Lemon drinks:

To get benefit from lemon drink in summer season is very cheap.

Method to prepare drink: 1kg lemon juice, sugar 1 and half kg cook in water and make it thick. As your taste take spoon or 2 spoons especially at afternoon time. For taste add chat or a pinch of salt and drink. This drink is useful for thirst, useful for anxiety and heat in summer heat.

Plum drinks:

Dry plum 700g or 800g soaked in hot water and in morning rub it and sieve it and add 1kg sugar make syrup.

Benefits: Those people have Choleric Temperament, bitter taste of mouth, vomiting due to hot and choleric disease in these conditions it is useful. Make choleric stable. Heavy diets like brinjal, meat etc all digested. Use time to time 2 spoons. Don’t use in Prunella in this disease sour things are harmful.

Rose drinks:

Pure rose water 750g dissolve 1kg sugar and boil it and cool it and fill in the bottles. As per your need use 2 to 5 spoons mix in water. Useful in digestive heat, psychological anxiety and brain anxiety.

Poppy drinks:

Poppy seeds 100g, almond 100g, cardamom 10g grind everything in water  and take the extract in this way take the extract 2-3 times then add water to make the quantity one and half liters. Now add 2kg sugar and cook to make thick syrup. Use like rose drinks. This drink is useful for sleeplessness, mind and body weakness, for thinner people also, use 2-3 times a day.

Jujube drinks:

 jujube 100g soak in1kg water  and in the morning rub it and  for 2-3 boil take it off and sieve  it then add 1kg sugar and make drink, now it’s ready to fill into the bottles. This drink is purifying blood; cool down blood so for those people who have pimples this drink is useful for them. Lower the acidity, younger people get relief from their pimples but more use of it may cause constipation.

Ispagol (seed) drinks:

Ispagol seed is very useful in hot summer diseases related to stomach intestine, for stomach unease, constipation or diarrhea both get relief, body cool down, irritation of dryness  of hand and feet will get relief. Soak 1og ispagol in a bog mug for half an hour then sieve it and drink the residue, you can use 2-3 times a day.

Tukhm bolanga:

soak 5-7g in half cup of water and drink it without sieve or add sugar or use milk as well. It’s useful for weakness in hot season and stomach problem.

4 seeds drink:

This drink give strength to mind and also lower the tension of brain nerves, helpful in blood pressure and sleeplessness, lower the thirst, lower the dryness and heatness of brain, Vitamins which is present in it helpful for the body.

Almond 100g, pumpkin seed 25g, watermelon seed 25g, khayareen seed 25g, melon seed 200g, 30 small cardamom, black pepper 15, poppy 25g, grind everything in water sieve with a piece of cloth do it many times, then you will get 2kg of this extract water. Now add one and half kg sugar and cook it that half kg of water reduced. Cool down and sieve it and fill it into the bottles. As per need use 2-3 spoon in water 2-3 times a day,  unique prescription for hot season for many diseases. Give strength to heart and brain. It is useful in disorder in pulsation, perplexity, thirst.

Small cardamom, powder original sandal, dry coriander, black kharfa each 10g then grind it and use 1-3g two times a day.

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